Any QR scan application from any mobile phone can scan the bracelet.
When we check the bracelet we come to the page asking for a PIN.
The personal code is embedded on the bracelet under the bar code scanning code.
After scanning and inserting the code we will get to our medical information.
The page appearance after a QR scan and before inserting the bracelet code
After send the bracelet code will appear the user's information.
How do I update information?
Send an email to the fund's email
Which includes the information you want to update plus the bracelet code.
What do you do when you lose your bracelet?
Notify the e-mail that the bracelet has been lost. We will revoke access to medical information.
We are here to serve you.
We will try to answer you within 12 hours of your email.
All contact with us is done in front of emails. That's how you can track execution.
Hope you do not need to use the bracelet. And always be healthy!
Only Health Everything Else Bonus !!!